November 2011 Newsletter Available
The November 2011 newsletter is now available.
Latest Newsletter Available
We have the latest edition of the MobileCursillo Newsletter available! Hot off the press! Get yours now by visiting our Newsletters page or simply click (maybe you have to right-click) on here: April 2011 Cursillo Newsletter
Women’s Weekend #111
These are the women (with Deacon Walt and Fr. David) from the spring weekend ( #111 ) at Holy Trinity. A small, but wonderful group of ladies.
Men’s Weekend #110
Don't they look pretty?
Save the Date: 4th Day Reunion – May 14, 2011
4th Day Reunion - May 14, 2011- St Elizabeth's - Greenville (map) Plans are to start at 1:00 PM or come with a bag lunch at 12:00. We will have someone from the Region VII Service Team. Tentative topics are Sponsoring a Candidate How to conduct a successful...
Spring Weekends 2011
The "go/no go" decision date was in early December 2010 and the weekends are on. Get your applications in for the Spring weekends at Holy Trinity. Do you need the proper forms? No problem. Download them from this page! Spring Weekends are held at the Blessed Trinity...
Get Ready for Spring 2010 Weekends
The "go/no go" decision date is December 1, 2009. So, return those postcards for holdovers and get your applications in by then. Applications will be accepted after that date, but if there are not enough candidates by December 1, the weekend may be cancelled. Spring...
Spring Weekend Preparation
Preparation for Springs weekends is underway! As you know, we need to have enough applications submitted by December 1, 2008 to insure that the weekends are a "GO!". So, pray about your friend and follow through by December 1. Men's Weekend #104: Mar 5-8, Blessed...
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt and Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana by Anne Rice
Both of these books were recommended to us by Fr. Paul Zoghby, St. Margaret's of Scotland. They make Jesus' life on earth come to life and all the biblical characters we've read about have personalities and connections. We recommend you read them, although they are...
Fall 2008 Weekends
Rector Joe Roszkowski and his team will be working the Fall Weekend #102 at Visitation Monastery in Mobile September 25-28, 2008. Deborah Farmer and her team will be working Weekend #103, also at Visitation Monastery in Mobile October 9-12,...