
Weekends are generally scheduled for a Men’s Weekend and a Women’s Weekend each fall at The Visitation Monastery in Mobile, and a Men’s Weekend and Women’s Weekend each spring at the Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat in Holy Trinity (Fort Mitchell).  We currently have the following weekends scheduled:

Fall Weekends 2023

Men’s Weekend #146: 9/28 – 10/01, Visitation Monastery, Mobile
Rector: Mike Mahoney

Women’s Weekend #147: 10/19 – 10/22, Visitation Monastery, Mobile
Rectora: Nell O’Donnell

Spring Weekends 2024

Men’s Weekend #148: TBD, Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat, Holy Trinity
Rector: TBA

Women’s Weekend #149: TBD, Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat, Holy Trinity
Rectora: TBA


What is palanca?  What is a palanca letter?  A palanca letter is one that is sent to the candidates and team, informing them of the prayers and sacrifices that you are offering to God on their behalf.  A letter may be sent explaining what type of palanca is being offered, but the letter is NOT the palanca.  The actual palanca is the action – intercessory prayer, sacrifice, or works of mercy, and it can be done without writing a letter.

Weekend Photos

Today’s Readings

Today's Readings from Dailygospel.org here on MobileCursillo.

Interested in attending a weekend?

Download an application below (requires Adobe Reader). Please note that candidates must be sponsored by an active Cursillista. If you need help finding a sponsor, contact the Ultreya leader nearest you.

Online Sponsor Questionaire

Printable Forms

Sponsor ApplicationCandidate Application

Interested in working a weekend?

If you wish to serve on a team for an upcoming weekend let us know! Apply using the online form.

Online Team Application

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Palanca: It's not just for weekends

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