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Palanca: It's not just for weekends

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Women’s Weekend #147

Women's Weekend #147 took place October 19 to 22 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

Men’s Weekend #146

Men's Weekend #146 took place September 28 to October 1 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

Cursillo De Cursillos

The Archdiocese of Mobile Cursillo will host a Cursillo de Cursillos in Montgomery on July 12-15, 2018. Download the registration form.

A Cursillo de Cursillos is a course that has provided Cursillistas with a treasure of knowledge and a living experience of what is essential in the mentality, purpose, and method of the Movement. The course is offered to those Cursillistas who have the desire to be effective Christian leaders. This course has provided many Cursillistas with an opportunity to discover the immense possibilities that Cursillo offers the person.

Cursillo de Cursillos has helped many Cursillistas delve into the foundational elements of the Movement in light of its Charism. This course uses a schedule and format similar to the 3-Day Cursillo. It begins on Thursday evening and concludes on Sunday afternoon. A total of 13 Rollos and 4 Meditations are presented by a team of laity and clergy. Each Rollo presented is followed by a dialogue within each table group. Sufficient time is allotted for questions and answers at the end of each Rollo. Each day creates a different environment in and through the participation of the Cursillistas in friendship. The weekend provides a relaxing atmosphere with plenty of time for breaks, reflection, personal contact, and daily Eucharist.

Besides an increased knowledge of the Charism of Cursillo, the participants enjoy the opportunity to strengthen and renew friendships, make new friends, and share and learn from one another’s personal experiences in discipleship and leadership. Cursillistas have also enjoy the opportunity to nurture and deepen the three essential encounters with self, Christ, and others that were discovered during the 3-Day Cursillo. Like the 3-Day Cursillo, the Cursillo de Cursillos is a lived experience in order to take advantage of its opportunities and benefits.

Cursillistas have responded enthusiastically to the truth and simplicity of Cursillo in light of its Charism and through God’s grace, they are inspired to return to their School of Leaders, the Ultreya, and environments to live, witness, and communicate the Good News that God loves us.

This inspiration or response is evident in the Cursillistas as they listen, reflect, share, and freely embrace the true Charism of Cursillo!

Women’s Spring Cursillo 137 Retreat Close Moment

During our formation weekend, we had a close moment with the rectora from Dedeaux, Mississippi (Biloxi Diocese). Below is the picture we took with Dean Craft. Dean and her husband were traveling from Biloxi to Atlanta and looking for a Saturday evening Mass. They searched and found two nearby churches, but decided to come St. Mary’s based on location and their GPS. Dean said that she had been praying for a sign for the upcoming weekend – and she found it with the ‘DeColores sign’ we had placed by the street near the entrance to St. Mary’s. Then when Fr. announced the spring women’s team, she became overwhelmed. Dean is standing fourth from left in the blue vest. Please pray for Dean and the women’s team #273 as well and for their weekend February 22 – 25.

This really was an affirmation about the universality of Cursillo and community.

Joy, Unity. Humility.
Your sister in Christ,
Theresa Gorman