Interested in attending a weekend?

Download an application below (requires Adobe Reader). Please note that candidates must be sponsored by an active Cursillista. If you need help finding a sponsor, contact the Ultreya leader nearest you.

Online Sponsor Questionaire

Printable Forms

Sponsor ApplicationCandidate Application

Interested in working a weekend?

If you wish to serve on a team for an upcoming weekend let us know! Apply using the online form.

Online Team Application

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Palanca: It's not just for weekends

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Women’s Weekend #147

Women's Weekend #147 took place October 19 to 22 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

Men’s Weekend #146

Men's Weekend #146 took place September 28 to October 1 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

Cursillo de Cursillos at Holy Trinity

The Archdiocese of Mobile Cursillo Movement will be hosting a Cursillo de Cursillos (“CDC”) on January 7-10, 2016 at Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat (“B.T.S.R.”). The CDC was designed to help Cursillistas understand the Foundational Charism of the Movement and to delve into the technical elements of the Movement in light of its Charism.  This course will provide you with an opportunity to discover the immense possibilities that Cursillo has to offer the person and the Church.  Participants will also enjoy the opportunity to strengthen and renew friendships, make new friends, share and learn from one another’s personal experiences in all the phases of the Movement – Precursillo, 3-Day Cursillo Weekend, and  Postcursillo. For more information contact Deborah Farmer at or (251) 421-1893.

Application Form What is Cursillo de Cusillos?