Women’s Weekend #145
Women's Weekend #145 took place March 5-8, 2020 at Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat. We welcome these women to the Cursillo community. De Colores!
Men’s Weekend #144
Men's weekend #144 took place at Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat from February 27-March 1, 2020. We welcome our new Cursillistas to the community.
February Newsletter
The February 2020 Edition of the Mobile Rooster is now available: February 2020 Mobile Rooster
The newsletter is back. See it here: January 2020 Mobile Rooster
Fall Weekends
The dates for the Fall 2020 weekends have been announced. Please visit the Weekends Page for more details.
Spring Weekends
The dates for the Spring 2020 Weekends, as well as the Rector and Rectora, have been announced. Please visit the Weekends Page for more details.
Step-by-Step Workshop
The Mobile Cursillo will have the next Step-by-Step workshop on October 5th from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM hosted by St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, 1100 N. College St, Auburn, AL. All Cursillistas are invited and encouraged to attend. The Step...
Fall Weekends Postponed
The weekends for Fall 2019 have been postponed due to insufficient candidate application.
Step-by-Step Workshop
The Mobile Cursillo will have a Step-by-Step workshop on July 13th from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM hosted by Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 8570 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL. All Cursillistas are invited and encouraged to attend. The Step by Step Workshop was...
Women’s Weekend #141
Women's Weekend #141, Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat, February 28-Ma4rch 3, 2019. Delcolores!