Interested in attending a weekend?

Download an application below (requires Adobe Reader). Please note that candidates must be sponsored by an active Cursillista. If you need help finding a sponsor, contact the Ultreya leader nearest you.

Online Sponsor Questionaire

Printable Forms

Sponsor ApplicationCandidate Application

Interested in working a weekend?

If you wish to serve on a team for an upcoming weekend let us know! Apply using the online form.

Online Team Application

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Palanca: It's not just for weekends

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Women’s Weekend #147

Women's Weekend #147 took place October 19 to 22 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

Men’s Weekend #146

Men's Weekend #146 took place September 28 to October 1 at  Visitation Monastery, Mobile. We welcome these men to the Cursillo community. De Colores!  

February 2017 Newsletter

Archdiocese of Mobile Cursillo
February 2017

Sponsorship in what might be said to be three generations! Deborah Farmer (Cursillo #37) sponsored her dear friend Anita Toole (Cursillo #117) who in turn sponsored her sister, Flora Gilbert (Cursillo #121). All are active in our Archdiocese Cursillo Movement! Send your photos to

PreCursillo Chairperson and School of Leaders Representative Elections


Lay Director, Deborah Farmer, announced that elections for two positions on the Secretariat- PreCursillo Chairperson and School of Leaders Representative will take place on March 11, 2017 at the Secretariat Meeting.  The Secretariat has requested that each of the satellite Schools of Leaders discuss these vacancies and submit any proposed nominees for these positions to Bob Spano,, the current School of Leaders Member, or any other member of the Secretariat by February 28th.  The new Secretariat members will be encouraged to attend the May 13th Secretariat Meeting as an introduction to the proceedings.  Additionally the nominee must:

  • Be a member of the Leader School if it is a viable group within the Ultreya.
  • Supports grouping and Ultreya.
  • Have talents in the area of consideration for the vacant position.
  • Consideration should be given to filling vacant positions with persons from unrepresented Ultreyas.

Although the matter may be discussed in the Ultreyas, any nomination must come from the Schools of Leaders.  A complete compilation of the duties as set forth in the Bylaws is available here and upon request to the Lay Director –

Cursillo de Cursillo offered in MS in May

Cursillo Movement of South Mississippi, Biloxi Diocese will be hosting a Cursillo de Cursillos (“CDC”) on May 4-7, 2017 at William Kelley Retreat Center, 510 N. Second St.  Bay St. Louis, MS 39520.  The CDC was designed to help Cursillistas understand the Foundational Charism of the Movement and to delve into the technical elements of the Movement in light of its Charism.  The course provides you with the opportunity to discover the immense possibilities that make new friends, share and learn from one another’s personal experiences in all the phases of the Movement- Precursillo, 3-Day Cursillo Weekend, and Postcursillo.  For more information contact: Larry Grant  601- 261-9962H/601-520-2852C or; Al Gombos 228-348-0230;  Buck O’Gea  228-861-3387

Cost is $150-

National Encounter 60th Anniversary!

The  2017 National Encounter will be held at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. July 27-30.  The first Cursillo was introduced in the US in Waco, TX in 1957.  Mark Your Calendar to celebrate this milestone for Cursillos in Christianity!

National Ongoing $3/YR Campaign

Please keep the National Cursillo Center’s $3/YR Campaign in mind.  The funds have been used to:

  • Support 12 establishing movements in terms of book vouchers, free National Encounter registrations, fees, workshops.
  • Provide an additional 10% book discount if sufficient funds received.
  • Reduce National Encounter registration fee if sufficient funds received.
  • Provide National Encounter(NE) vouchers to Lay Directors based on funds received.

Archdiocese of Mobile Cursillo Movement
2017 Important Dates:

[fivecol_one]March:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one] 11[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Secretariat Meeting (Greenville)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]April:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]21-22[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Region VII Spring Encounter (Birmingham, AL)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]May:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one] 4-7[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]CDC in Bay St. Louis sponsored by Biloxi Cursillo[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]13[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Secretariat Meeting (Greenville?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]June:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]24[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Secretariat Meeting with Ultreya Leaders & SOL Facilitators (Holy Spirit, Montgomery)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]July:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]27-30[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]National Encounter – Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (60th Anniversary)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]August:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]11-13[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last] Men’s #134 Formation (?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one][fivecol_one]25-27[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Women’s #135 Formation (Fairhope?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]September:[/fivecol_one][fivecol_one]7-10[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Men’s Spanish Cursillo # ? (Holy Trinity)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]9[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Men’s #134 Retreat (Greenville?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one][fivecol_one]16[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Secretariat Meeting (Greenville?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]21-24[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Women’s Spanish Cursillo # ? (Holy Trinity)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]13[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Holy Hour at Visitation Monastery for Men’s #134[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]14-17[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Men’s #134 Weekend (Visitation Monastery)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]23[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Women’s #135 Retreat (Greenville?)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]27[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Holy Hour at Visitation Monastery for Women’s #135[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]October:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]9/28 to 10/1[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Women’s #135 Weekend (Visitation Monastery)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one] [/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]20-21[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last]Region VII Fall Encounter (St. Petersburg, FL)[/fivecol_three_last][fivecol_one]November:[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]4[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_three_last] Secretariat Meeting (Greenville)  (Date reset to avoid Veteran’s Day)[/fivecol_three_last]                

Last amended 1/14/17

Click here to download the newsletter in its original format.

Spring Weekends Cancelled

Due to insufficient candidate applications, both the Men’s and Women’s Spring weekends have been cancelled. All candidate applications will be carried over for future weekends.